Tutorials section

A calendar control for WebDev

WebDev is really missing a good calendar control. It’s unfortunate because there are so much good javascript calendars available out there. The best one, in my opinion, is the jQuery datapicker. It’s quite easy to use it in a WebDev page.

Here is a quick tutorial to build a WebDev project using the jQuery datepicker.

You will find the source here

WebDev example of using the jQuery DatePicker

Files required to be copied in the ProjectName_WEB folder:

Project actions

In Project > Project description > Style / Free CSS style sheets / add the “ui.datepicker.css” stylesheet.

Free css stylesheet in WinDev editor

In Project > Project description > Advanced in “Option for generating the HTML code” uncheck all the options in the “Readability of HTML Code”

Optimizing HTML code

Page actions

For each page holding a date control, insert in this order these Javascript script files (page description, tab “Advanced”, javascript):

Javascript include for jQuery calendar in WebDev editor

For each page holding a date control, create a local browser procedure called DOMready (respect the case). Enter this code in the procedure (this is a javascript code):

function DOMready()
	// datepicker
	$("#DATECONTROL").datepicker({position: 'r'});

The DOMready javascript function

You may have several lines like

$("#DATECONTROL").datepicker({position: 'r'});

In this line #DATECONTROL is the date control name. So if we have, say DATE1 and DATE2, we will have two lines.

$("#DATE1").datepicker({position: 'r'});
$("#DATE2").datepicker({position: 'r'});


Many languages are supported.

WebDev calendar in french, spanish, english


Documentation is here

Demo is here

Themes are here

CSS themes for WebDev Calendar

